Grant Morgan is the Co-Founder & CEO of R-Zero, a biosafety tech company delivering a higher standard of human health via safer indoor spaces. The company has grown rapidly, jumping to over 100 employees since being founded in 2020.
R-Zero was founded in the early stages of the pandemic by co-founders Ben Boyer, Grant Morgan and Eli Harris after recognizing a unique opportunity to revolutionize the $20B+ infection prevention industry and help businesses increase employee and customer safety.
Prior to founding R-Zero, Grant was an engineer at Abbott, and a VP of Product & Engineering at iCracked, which was acquired by Allstate in 2019.
Show Highlights
- Fundamentally change the way people interact with the world.
- Grant shares the “dirty secret” nobody knows about entrepreneurship.
- Consequences of making buildings more energy efficient.
- The reality and need to disrupt archaic industries people don’t think can be disrupted.
- The origin story and massive professional achievement of R-Zero.
- Powerful advice for your career path, becoming an entrepreneur, and making the planet healthier and safer.
- Impacts healthy buildings have on human health and productivity, and the economic and financial aspects; fundamentally changing the way we think about keeping humans safe in indoor environments.

Grant Morgan’s Show Resource and Information
- Deep Work
- High output management
- Amp It Up
- Sapiens
- Featured SxSW Session: Public Health – March 15
- R-Zero: Home