Dan Burgoyne is the Sustainability Manager for California’s Department of General Services (DGS), where he develops and helps implement policies improving California’s sustainable buildings, energy, water and resource efficiency.
Dan is a California-licensed architect and LEED Fellow, with over 26 years of experience in the design and construction industry, and green building policy.
Dan led the development of California Governor Jerry Brown’s green building Executive Order B-18-12, and now leads its implementation under the direction of the Governor’s office, pushing California toward Zero Net Energy buildings, LEED certified buildings, reduced emissions, improved energy and water efficiency, and sustainable building operations. Dan has served as a green building advisor to the California Green Building Code (CalGREEN), GSA, and California’s High Speed Rail Authority.
Dan served twice on the USGBC Board of Directors, as well as Government and LEED MR TAG committees, and on the USGBC’s Advisory Council. Dan is also an advisor and instructor for the University of California, Davis Extension.

Dan Burgoyne – Get To Know Dan
Dan grew up in Eugene, Oregon in the 1960’s and 1970’s. There were a lot of trees around and Dan had another career in mind. He was told he would be a good chemical engineer or architect.
In high school he enrolled in Chemistry and Drafting. Very quickly he had dropped Chemistry and the rest is history.
“I pursued architecture and went to a number of schools. I started out in a drafting trade school in Arizona outside the Phoenix area. I went to Brigham Young for a few years, transferred to the West Valley College in Saratoga, California where I started studying architecture again. I finished up a Cal Poly in San Luis Ospido in architecture.” – Dan Burgoyne
Early Sustainability Journey
Dan admired the simplicity of the shelters that earth-minded people lived in that were around the Eugene, OR area. He was passionate about passive design earth sheltered homes and read everything he could on those subjects. It was still new but there were a lot of designs. Dan eventually became a Sustainability Manager and the green building and LEED movement sparked his interest.
“I worked in my career as an architect for a number of years and then got into project management and ended up at the State of California in the Department of General Services. After a year at the state I interviewed for and accepted a position as Sustainability Manager. I have there for 17 years.” – Dan Burgoyne
Proudest Achievements
Dan’s proudest achievement by far is his family. He has been married for 34 years and has 3 children, They are all in school pursuing their own careers, none of them in architecture but have been a great influence in is life.
“In my career, developing green building policies for the state is also a proud achievement. I have served under 4 different administrations and under the last 3 very much more involved and in 2004 I participated with Schwarzenegger’s Executive Order. At that time we took a leap of faith and became the first government that required LEED Certification for new and existing buildings.” – Dan Burgoyne
Book Recommendations

The Earth-Sheltered House: An Architect’s Sketchbook
The Passive Solar Energy Book by Edward Masria
Tune into this podcast to listen to the rest of Dan Burgoyne’s journey in this podcast hosted by Charlie.
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Connect with Charlie Cichetti and GBES:
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