About this Episode
Today’s episode is about training on LEED and Well in other countries.
Charlie would like to get some feedback on the podcast from his listeners and he will provide some of the latest statistics from around the world.
Take time to email Charlie at charlie@gbes.com to share your feedback.
Key Talking Points
- Intro to PSA
- Share Feedback w/Charlie
- Statistics for Green Building
- International Programs
- Links to several resources
Key Milestones of the Episode
[00:17] Introduction to training, feedback and statistics
[01:07] Asking to share feedback from listeners
[02:34] Two Amazing trips
[06:20] Train Well Consultants
[11:50] Green Building Statistics
[13:23] Well Building Standard
[15:25] Outside US programs
Key Resources
- https://www.worldgbc.org/
- https://www.usgbc.org/articles/leed-professionals-glance-july-2019
- https://www.usgbc.org/articles/leed-numbers-16-years-steady-growth
- https://www.fitwel.org/certification
- https://centerforactivedesign.org/fitwel
- https://www.wellcertified.com/about-iwbi/
- https://www.greenglobes.com/about.asp
- https://www.dgnb.de/en/news/statements/Comparison_LEED_and_DGNB/index.php
- https://gbca.org.au/
- https://www.bca.gov.sg/green_mark/
- https://www.hkgbc.org.hk/eng/about-us/what-is-green-building/index.jsp
- https://www.usgbc.org/articles/leed-and-industrial-facilities-meet-four-top-users-leed-videos
- https://resources.wellcertified.com/articles/iwbi-named-to-fast-companys-annual-list-of-the-worlds-most-innovative-companies-for-2019/

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources for all of your green building news at the Green Building Matters website.