Avneet has led the sustainability process for a portfolio of 18 Million+ square feet/ $8 Billion+ budget, projects certified at high performance thresholds.
A passionate advocate with over 20 years experience, recognized for the delivery of sustainable resilient communities, both public and private. Driven to provide performance based holistic solutions targeting the triple bottom line, Avneet’s international experience shows focus on critical regionalism.
She draws from vernacular architecture across the globe, responsive to its climatic, social and economic fabric. Designing to maintain the balance of a fragile ecological system for the 2400 acre Indian Naval Academy Ehzimala Kerala, engendered her passionate commitment to sustainability.
Show Highlights
- How Avneet’s journey brings community and project work together to impact market change.
- The gamut of green building from pre design through construction of green systems.
- Avneet shares best practices and key routines to merge professional goals into a personal lifestyle.
- Entrenching in sustainability
- Taking risks and making leap of faith are essential
- Avneet’s inspirational projects for sustainability that go above and beyond.
- How LEED and Carnegie Mellon propels her to be experimental and to push the envelope.
“There is a line where you have to be really passionate to not just survive, but to actually begin to move the needle…communicate deep, passionate, get into it and really communicate that fire that you feel within you. I do.”
-Avneet Gujral
Full Transcript
(Available on here and on the GBES website)
Show Resources
- Death-Life-Great-American-Cities
- Modern-Man-Corbusier-Architect-Tomorrow
- Laurie-Baker-Life-Work-Writings
- Website

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