Lourdes (“Lu”) Salinas has more than 10 years of experience in Evaluation of Sustainability Strategies. She has developed multidisciplinary knowledge in energy, emissions, water, and environmental quality.
Since 2008, she earned the LEED AP BD+C credential and since then has participated in more than 60 LEED projects and eight Green Star certifications. She has been a volunteer for the Mexican Council for Sustainable Building, now SUMe, since 2006 and has organized events in conjunction with the World Green Building Council.
Lu developed her experience working in the United States and later in Australia, performing environmental certifications, energy modeling and design of passive systems at WSP Built Ecology, one of the most internationally recognized firms in the Sustainable Building sector. An, for the last 10 years, has led Three Consultoria Medioambiental.
Show Highlights
- Healing a tree launched Lu’s passion and enthusiasm for creating resiliency that impacts the world.
- Why the kindest advice from her boss suggested she resign to advance her career?
- SITES provides tools to protect eco-systems in/around projects.
- The challenges and misconceptions facing green building in Mexico.
- What credentials should you go after in today’s climate?
- Lu breaks down the difference between sustainability and resiliency.
- Lu hacks the system to keep increasing her purpose.
“I think that architecture is one of the best arts that exists in the world because architecture can definitively include…sound and beauty and colors and shadows and light. At the end of the day, what you get is a final result that fills in all your emotions”.
-Lourdes (“Lu”) Salinas
(Transcript Available on here and on the GBES website)
Lourdes’s Show Resources and Information
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources for all of your green building news at the Green Building Matters website.