Sally Wilson, LEED Fellow
Exclusively representing tenants such as corporations, associations, and professional service firms in developing real estate solutions that fulfill organizational goals.
Areas of expertise include portfolio and transaction management, site selection, lease and work letter negotiation, workplace, and carbon accounting.
She was the first Commercial Real Estate (CRE) broker to achieve LEED AP, and is the only #CRE broker to be elevated to LEED Fellow. And, fun fact – her husband is a LEED Fellow, also!
Show Highlights
- Learn why brokers are also the gatekeepers to sustainability projects.
- Sally’s journey in carving a path during the male dominated years in architecture and real estate.
- The benefits of organizations like CREW.
- Sally’s tips on educating landlords to negotiate green leases that drive market transformation.
- New market standards to consider on the healthy building side.
- The top priorities for the mature tenant market and forming a transparent partnership with the landlord/owner.
- Pro tips from a pioneer in multiple facets of green building and commercial real estate.
“I would say my gift is, I just care. I care so much about the environment, the earth, other people, and the human condition, so that’s my gift.”
(Transcript Available on here and on the GBES website)
Sally’s Show Resources and Information
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming By Paul Hawken
The Overstory By Richard Powers
Sally Wilson Newmark Knight Frank

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources for all of your green building news at the Green Building Matters website.