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Today’s gonna be a little different format. I’m actually just going to give a PSA, a public service announcement. I can’t believe it, we’re halfway through 2020, what a wild and crazy year it has been for all of us. What I want to cover today is just some stats, some trends in the green building and now healthy building movement.
We want to make sure you understand what’s happening on the LEED front, WELL, FITWEL and other programs. We want to talk about credentials, credential trends, and online learning. Want to tell you a little bit about how my company’s in this green building movement have been innovative during the pandemic time.
I want to open up for some feedback on the podcast. So first, I know everyone’s been impacted a little differently here with the pandemic and COVID-19, I hope you’re okay. I hope you and your family are healthy.
I hope your carriers and jobs are intact. I know some have been drastically affected much more than others. I know, I’m still working from home. My boys are out of school now for the summer. I’m based here in Atlanta, Georgia, and we’re definitely fortunate to be able to keep most of our work.
Most of our projects, most of our learning going both from remote work and we’re doing the best we can on all fronts. I know we’re still in the middle of the pandemic as we record this podcast, but I just want to give you some encouragement and just say, I hope everything is okay with you.
Show Highlights
- Learn the latest on LEED.
- LEED Professional Count.
- Speciality Credential Growth.
- Big news on LEED and WELL exams.
- WELL and healthy buildings.
- Accredited Professional.
- Which version of WELL is on the exam?
- Credential count updates.
- WELLness real estate programs.
- How to become a Fitwel Ambassador?
- Projects.
- LEED square footage certified statistics.
- Pro tip for registrations.
- Best practices and protocols from each program.
- WELL came out with a Health Safety Rating.
- Our Top 10 COVID-19 resources.
- Innovations during the pandemic.
(Transcript Available on here and on the GBES website)
Show Resources and Information
- LEED professionals at a glance
- COVID-19 Resources
- WELL Certification
- Fitwel.org
- U.S. Green Building Council
- Infographic: What do LEED-certified cities and communities do
- WELL Health-Safety
- Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC)
- charlie@gbes.com

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources for all of your green building news at the Green Building Matters website.