Jason F. McLennan is an architect and prominent figure in the Green Building Movement. He is the Founder and the board of the International Living Future Institute and Cascadia Green Building Council, a chapter of both the U.S. Green Building Council and the Canada Green Building Council.
He is the CEO of McLennan Design, his own architecture and planning firm that does work all over the world.
McLennan is also one of the creator of Pharos, an advanced building material rating system, Declare, an ingredient disclosure label for building products, and JUST, a social justice transparency platform for organizations.
In addition, he developed the Living Community Challenge and the Living Product Challenge.
Show Highlights
- Jason transformed the industry when he launched these projects, programs, and materials certifications to build on what LEED had started.
- Get inspired by a pioneer that really shook up and raised the bar in how a green building can be built and operated.
- The brilliant thing LEED did for the market and changing the world.
- How the Living Building Challenge supplements LEED for those that are ready to go beyond looking at levels of certification?
- Jason created the Red List to do the “impossible” to create transparency and change the course of conversations for manufacturers all over the world.
- 2020 is proving to be a year of incredible disruption. Jason gives you humanity’s next 5 assignments we need to default to.
- We need to find and focus on the end game. Why green building is way off target in every category of impact?
- How to go further and faster? Check out The New Climate Pledge Arena.
“Mentorship has been incredibly important to me. I think we reach our potential when we learn from others who have been down the paths further…It really pays to listen to elders and learn from those that have walked the path before you. I think too many people now, for whatever reason, discount our elders and that’s great peril. They focus too much on themselves and that’s what technology and the social communication and everything that we have at our disposal is allowing for sort of a level of narcissism that’s unhealthy.”
– Jason McLennan
(Transcript Available on here and on the GBES website)
Jason McLennan’s Show Resources and Information
- Jason McLennan: Books – Amazon.com
- Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken
- McLennan Design
- International Living Future Institute
- Early LEED and Living Building Influencer Marni Jade Evans

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources for all of your green building news at the Green Building Matters website.