Rebecca Dunn Bryant, AIA co-founded W A T E R S H E D in 2008 in order to build expertise around affordable, sustainable building solutions for a hot humid climate, create built environments that inspire a greater connection with the natural world, and to perform work in the spirit of collaboration, sharing information with her clients and community.
Originally from Alabama, Rebecca moved to Colorado to study sustainable design and social ecology in 1990 and worked in San Francisco and Houston before returning home to get red dirt back under her feet.
Rebecca has received a Synergy Award from the Citizen’s Environmental Coalition, been recognized as one of 9 “Green Leaders in Red States” by Fortune Magazine and recently voted one of her region’s “Top 40 under 40” .
She is the first LEED Faculty member in the state of Alabama, and since 2008, she has provided green building training to over 2,000 professionals and over 200 school children.
Rebecca’s passion for sustainable development is focused on sustainable design, construction, and operational strategies for the hot humid south. While the growing green building movement is international, her approach is decidedly local.
- Registered Architect in Alabama and Florida
- LEED Fellow
- LEED Accredited Professional, BD+C
- Living Building Ambassador
- Passive House Consultant
- Permaculture Designer
Show Highlights
- Why was the recession a Watershed moment?
- The key to transform the market is to raise the level of practice for firms.
- Economic, environmental, and sustainability restoration projects that create great experiences in nature.
- Learn the benefits of being a permaculture designer and who should pursue the credentials.
- A deeper look at integration with SITES and low impact development + human health.
- Elevate your standard of practice and raise awareness on best practices in LEED, SITES, WELL, Wildlife Habitats, and other certifications with Rebecca’s valuable resources.
“We need you. The need for people to transform the way we build is more and more urgent so don’t lose heart and please stick to your guns and follow this path. The other thing I would say, based on my experience is we need to spread out. We don’t need all of our sustainable design experts to live in places where everyone in that town agrees with and has already drank the Kool Aid. We need them to spread out, dispersing this movement into more communities and making connections with other movements.”
– Rebecca Dunn Bryant
(Transcript Available on here and on the GBES website)
Rebecca Dunn Bryant’s Show Resource and Information
- WATERSHED Sustainable Design and Consulting
- Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change by Pema Chodron
- Insight Timer
- Books By Edward O. Wilson
- Julia Watson. Lo?TEK. Design by Radical Indigenism
- Design for Biodiversity by Kelly Gunnell
- The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth by Christopher Alexander
- Zero Energy Ready Homes
- Create

Don’t forget to catch more episodes and resources for all of your green building news at the Green Building Matters website.