Fran Dean-Bishop believes the key to developing and maintaining a great workforce strategy is prioritizing the health and wellbeing of those within your company. She helps high growth organizations create sustainable, healthy workplaces and spaces to...
Steve Bennett has over 30 years of construction experience, predominantly in leadership positions. He specializes in Construction Management and Consulting services, with a niche in the Healthcare, Education, Banking, and Private Industry fields. Additionally, he is...
Martha Norbeck (AIA, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP) is founder and president of C-Wise based in Iowa City, Iowa. She founded C-Wise Design and Consulting Services in 2007. Martha is has served as the LEED consultant...
Matt Whitbeck hopes to change the future for the building industry by educating trades people, students, the community and clients on air quality, green tech and sustainable building practices. Whitbeck Construction, LLC is a custom builder...
Grant Morgan is the Co-Founder & CEO of R-Zero, a biosafety tech company delivering a higher standard of human health via safer indoor spaces. The company has grown rapidly, jumping to over 100 employees since being...