Patricia Abrudan is an architect certified as a Sustainability Consultant with post-graduate training in Project Management and Facility Management and her work has mainly been oriented towards sustainable development projects. She has been focused on green building, life cycle assessment, and sustainability consulting and certifications and is currently leading the ESG and Decarbonization Consulting team at JG Ingenieros in Barcelona while continuing my work as a LEED Project Manager for several projects in the EMEA region.

Additional Work and Education:

– Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Consulting

– Carbon Footprint consulting for real estate assets

– Life Cycle Assessment and Costing

– LEED ZERO and Net Zero Carbon Services

– Circular design development

– Space planning and workplace consulting

– Architecture planning, measurements, and compliance

Show Highlights

  • Reimagining “matchbox” neighborhoods to make a difference in urbanism projects.
  • Improve the deliverability of sustainable projects in our cities to make better spaces by embracing the various challenges of public vs. private enterprise.
  • Transform projects into reality and impact people’s lives with so little. 
  • Work with different types of clients to achieve their goals and make the environment better, with contradictory objectives.
  • Walk the path of sustainability and embed sustainability in your business model, construction projects, and real estate.  
  • Patricia shares a unique opportunity to use our engineering infrastructure. 
  • Expertise in engineering to assist clients in implementing global strategies into practice from the building level, portfolio level, and wellness level. 
  • Fascinating college classes and questions for the industry to consider and be an eco-engineer. 
  • Switch the paradigm from a linear economy to a circular economy in order to achieve decarbonization. 

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