Marco Valerio Ceccotti, Italian sustainability consultant and LEED AP. His background includes many of the first LEED v2.2 and v2009
certified projects in Italy, collaborating with design and construction companies.
Graduated in Economics and specialized in Environmental Management, I’m fully involved in the Italian Green Building Movement since 2015, using USGBC rating systems to inform and improve decision making in the construction industry. Using such tools in this field as well as other business industries is a key factor to balance negative impacts created by environmental and social “externalities”, and to foster innovation, resilience and equity on each investment or initiative. I was also recently involved in piloting the latest version of LEED v5 for European projects.
We need to find a “purpose” in business to ensure each company is not only devoted to financial stability, which is necessary, but also to provide products or services with a positive impact on our society. We need to create a stakeholder economy capable of redistributing value to people, of creating benefits for the whole community. This is why I’m also proud to work, day by day, with private companies aligned to these concepts’ ad giving me the possibility to focus on what really matters, yes, as Green Building.
- Highlights of work to achieve harmonized sustainability standards across 30 countries and one of the first LEED v5 projects.
- NATIVA’s mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable business practices.
- Emphasis on double purpose companies that pursue profit and positive impact on people and planet with the same force.
- Additional Certification Programs and GBCI programs like True Zero Waste and Parksmart.
- True Zero Waste as a standard for multinational companies.
- Marco predicts a strong future for portfolio approaches and green finance.
- Emphasis on the importance of sustainability in long-term investments.
- European regulations like CSRD are driving transparency in sustainability efforts.

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