Daniel Brown works to promote public health, green spaces, wealth building, and community engagement. He has served on the Cleveland-Cuyahoga Food Policy Coalition, the Cuyahoga County Next Generation Council, and the U.S. Composting Council’s steering committee for community composting prior to starting Rust Belt Riders. Mr. Brown is a social entrepreneur and climate fellow.
- Learn how Rust Belt communities are fighting deindustrialization and the impacts of climate change with economic development, climate resiliency, and the re-imagination of communities.
- Why does the climate crisis make all other crises that much worse?
- The biggest leverage and point of leverage that we can have on affecting human driven impacts on the climate.
- Learn more about the intersecting issues related to our food and agricultural system on both public health, air and water quality.
- The work Rust Belt Riders is doing work that provides
a. a template for how other cities and communities can affect change at a systems level to truly be the rising tide that lifts all boats.
b. community leaders, businesses and residents a way to reframe their waste stream as a resource stream to avoid the very worst impacts of the climate crisis. - Highly dense urban areas need an alternative to landfills because they do not have the infrastructure or capacity to process all of the organic material that they ingest.
- Food and food systems are the building block for all and any type of circular economy.
- The top three things we need to balance the push and pull of the environmental economic equation.