Amy Upton, LEED Fellow, Experienced Sustainable Design Director, Project Architect, and Project Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the architecture & planning industry. Focus on public architecture and K-12, recreation centers, and libraries. Skilled in BIM, Concept Design through Construction Administration.
As a LEED Fellow, she has dedicated her career to designing and delivering green community architecture and highlighting systems, materials, and features that allow the buildings and site to be learning labs. She has experience in Net Zero Energy design and worked on the second and third NZE schools in the state of Maryland.
Amy is committed to integrating the environmental literacy curriculum in our K-12 green schools, and keeping connections to work with students and staff on Green Apple Day of Service projects annually.
- Focusing on public architecture and community-based architecture.
- Embodied carbon should be embedded into the design process.
- Highlight standard design and anything related to sustainable design or metrics.
- Make sense of co-located facilities or multi-agency facilities with competing interests that need to be balanced.
- A lot of different ways AI is integrated into our daily business and practice.
- Questions to consider when incorporating and working together to move the needle on sustainability goals.
- Future buildings and restorative practices need to impact people’s lives holistically.

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