Nico is a founding director of Atelier Ten’s New York City office and member of Atelier Ten’s US and international leadership group. He consults on a wide variety of large scale residential, commercial and institutional buildings,...
Be sure to check out the Green Building Matters Community where you can have unlimited exam prep for any of the professional credential exams. You’re tackling next as WELL as putting your continuing education on autopilot, saving...
Hannah is the sustainability and sales operations manager at Recycle Track Systems (RTS). She is an experienced senior sustainability programming and training professional who manages and executes comprehensive sustainability and waste diversion data analysis and programming...
For over 12 years as a LEED consultant, Mr. Wenmin Zhu has dedicated himself to creating and promoting green and sustainable buildings. Through exceptional projects, leadership, education, and advocacy, he has become a prominent voice for the...
James brings project management, commissioning and sustainability consulting experience to the Elementa Engineering team. His strong connection to water and nature, fostered by his love of surfing, led him to explore a career in sustainability. After implementing...
Kristina earned both her Master of Architecture and her Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee along with certificates in Sustainable Design and Historic Preservation. A LEED Accredited Professional...
Sally Wilson, LEED Fellow Exclusively representing tenants such as corporations, associations, and professional service firms in developing real estate solutions that fulfill organizational goals. Areas of expertise include portfolio and transaction management, site selection, lease...
As a licensed architect and LEED Fellow, Susan Heinking has over a decade of experience designing and managing sustainability programs and initiatives. She currently leads all of Pepper Construction’s sustainable projects and is also an active...
LEED AP BD+C, LEED Project Reviewer, WELL AP: Allison Cunningham Prior to joining Ecoworks Studio, Allison took a leap and moved from her home state of Indiana to Atlanta, GA to pursue her passion for...
Lourdes (“Lu”) Salinas has more than 10 years of experience in Evaluation of Sustainability Strategies. She has developed multidisciplinary knowledge in energy, emissions, water, and environmental quality. Since 2008, she earned the LEED AP BD+C credential...